
Monday, April 23, 2012

Veni, Vidi, Nos Mutata (and Other Things...)

Well! Missed a week, didn't I? My brain just wouldn't focus to blog. I'm forcing it to tonight!
In recent news:
Great Cloth Diaper Change 2012
We Came, We Saw, We Changed... A diaper.
And had a ball! It's always nice to know there are like-minded people in your area, even if you don't encounter them often. There were about 100 babes changed into a cloth diaper at this year's local event! Triple the number from last year. There were booths with awesome natural products galore as well. Mr. Man was awesome, as well. Despite the change being smack in the middle of naptime, he just "read" me a book while he set a world record.
How cute was he? And look at all the coth babes in only half the room! Just awesome.
It totally inspired me to get my butt back in gear and get back to making my cloth diaper safe butt butter. (ahem! SnoogaBoo Baby "BooButter") I even talked to a retailer or two about the possibility of carrying it. I only need a couple more hours in the day...

Other things...
ICLW is going on! I am loving checking out all the blogs! Extra awesome finding I have much in common with so many of the bloggers, too. My personal nightly blog-perusing roster is quickly gaining new ones! Yay!

It is National Infetility Awareness Week (NIAW) right now (April 22-28). I am going to try very hard to blog a bit more about my experience with infertility. It is still hard. It was not 'cured' when I had Boogs. Conceiving, carrying, and delivering him took a tremendous amount of effort and resources - emotional, physical, and financial effort and resources.
I still suffer from infertility. I have not forgotten, even for a minute, how difficult our journey to becoming a family was. I look at my child and know his existence is a miracle. He is worth ten times the pain and heartache it took to get him here.  I am acutely aware of couples still trying who have gone and are going through ten times ten the difficulties we encountered. Those families-in-waiting deserve awareness. Support. Love.


St Elsewhere said...

Your picture of holding him is beautiful...that!


katery said...

how cool, congrats on being part of a world record! wouldn't it be nice if finally having your baby cured you of infertility? that feeling always kind of stays with you, it's something that can't be explained to those who haven't been through it, don't you think?

MoonNStarMommy said...

How neat to be part of something like that :)

Perusing your blog via ICLW (#86)

One and Done? said...

Hi from ICLW! What an interesting event you blogged about! Congratulations on your sweet blessing. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello from ICLW!!! Thank you for your post! My husband and I hope to do cloth diapers as well (when we finally have a little one)! Do you have favorite brand? ...and tell me more about this diaper goo? : ) Thanks for mentioning NIAW. Means so much and I'm so glad you have a precious little boy. Gives me so much hope on this side of thing. Blessings to you.